Yearbook Info
How do I get my child in the yearbook?
Submit any pictures you take with your child that relates to them going to school at Sampson. This includes first day of school, field day, class parties, etc. It does not include taking a child or group of kids out for an extracurricular activity or just taking them out for fun. Only pictures where they are going to school or are doing something for school should be included.
Best Tip: Submit pictures to the yearbook coordinator within a couple of days of the event for the best chance of being selected for inclusion in the yearbook! Submitting photos on the day of the event are even better.
How do I submit photos for the yearbook?
1. E-mail the picture directly to the yearbook committee:
Email your photos to
Include teacher name and grade level in the subject line and/or body of email. If you know the kids names in the picture please include that as well in the body of the email.
Do not compress the pictures. Please only send large format pictures.
2. Email the photos to your grade level photographer (see email addresses below)
photo taking guidelines
Never enter a classroom or inside school area to take pictures unless you have cleared it with a committee chairperson. The yearbook committee has to have special clearance when taking any pictures. Anyone not scheduled will not be allowed into the school to take pictures (this does not include school events).
IMPORTANT: make sure your camera is set on the highest setting. If you send the picture in an email, make sure it is not being compressed. We cannot put anything in the yearbook program under 1000 kb.
Do NOT crop pictures. We can crop the pictures in the yearbook to suit the needs of that yearbook page.
Examples of pictures that work well in the yearbook
Groups of kids are great if all the kids are looking at the camera.
Focus on the faces of the kids, etc.
Examples of pictures that DO NOT work in the yearbook
Photos that are too dark and can’t see the kids
All the kids aren’t looking – you need a good focal point to look at in the yearbook.
File size is too small and is blurry when put in the yearbook.
If the picture is too broad and doesn’t focus on anything, it will not work well – we may be able to crop the picture to work if it is already taken, but try to focus in on kids.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, February 24
- Tuesday, March 4
- Monday, March 10
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12
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